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Siegling Prolink in the Automotive and Tire Industries

Siegling Prolink plastic modular belts are geared to the demands of automotive and tire production. We listen to our customers’ requirements and apply our expertise. As a result, the belts respond exactly as expected.

Performance all along the line

Experience enhanced production processes with Siegling Prolink, custom-developed for the automotive and tire industries’ requirements. Siegling Prolink’s top quality guarantees your plants operate like clockwork.

Forbo stands apart for its innovative engineering and continual improvement. As a result, our products evolve to meet new demands. You can trust us as a leading manufacturer of plastic modular belts.

Siegling Prolink people-mover belt in automotive production

“Forbo has proven expertise and a solid track record in the automotive and tire industries. As a comprehensive supplier of conveyor and processing belts, Forbo offers everything under one roof.”
Andreas Brackmann, Director of Global Business Development

Tailored to your production line

  • Efficient operations

    Efficient operations

    Siegling Prolink makes production more efficient

    Siegling Prolink’s exceptional quality means superior reliability and minimal downtime. Designed to first-class engineering standards, the plastic modular belts maximize your conveyor’s performance. Longer intervals between maintenance equals greater productivity, which cuts your overheads. Developed to handle the requirements of automotive and tire production.

  • Siegling Prolink belts cut the total cost of ownership

    Lower costs

    Cut costs with Siegling Prolink

    Invest in first-class quality for a maximum ROI. Our premium technology decreases maintenance demands. The belts’ outstanding durability also prevents production from coming to a halt. Fast service and easy module replacement minimize downtime. Compared to similar products in the industry, Siegling Prolink belts have very long service lives, making them more cost efficient. Our low-friction belts also reduce energy costs.

  • Siegling Prolink plastic modular belts last and last

    Outstanding durability

    Heavy-duty belts operate without a hitch

    Conveyor belts in the automotive and tire industries operate in challenging environments. They handle very heavy products and are exposed to high temperatures, chemicals, and other physical forces. The Siegling Prolink plastic modular belts are designed for these applications. They ensure seamless production and safe working conditions.

Demanding environments require special belts

To prevent downtime, all belts need to meet top quality standards. Our belts are durable and meet the demands of automotive and tire production consistently.

Boost your production line’s efficiency

First-class efficiency: Siegling Prolink is designed to top engineering standards. As a result, belt maintenance intervals and service lives are longer and your production more reliable due to less downtime.
Designed for heavy-duty usage and long conveyors: Outstanding tensile strength and rigidity make the belts tough.
Reliable and efficient components: Highly conductive, flame-retardant belts mean no static charge and safe usage.
Efficient conveyor design: Low conveyors enable very compact belts.

Cost savings with Siegling Prolink

Minimal downtime: The belts’ durability, fast service and modules that are easy to replace and repair cut downtime.
Low maintenance costs: First-class engineering means our conveyor belts need very little maintenance.
Energy saving: Low-friction, silicon-free belts decrease energy consumption and costs.

Achieve your sustainability objectives

Our belts are made to last and last. As a result, they help to reduce waste. Their sophisticated designs have low frictional resistance. Which cuts energy consumption. We use recyclable belts to encourage a sustainable circular economy. Some of our modular belts are also made of recycled materials. As a result, we’re actively protecting the environment.
read all about it in our digital Sustainable Products magazine

Sustainability Dimension Environmental
Service contact

Production lines up and running thanks to Forbo service

Our service team looks after your plastic modular belts and your production line as a whole. Forbo Movement Systems delivers a flexible range of services, from quick on-site deployment to various additional options to end-to-end servicing. Our employees have extensive belt expertise and service skills, superb tools and equipment. What’s more, they only use approved processes and materials. So that your production lines run perfectly.
Click here for more information on our services

At a glance: The benefits of Forbo and Siegling Prolink

Better productivity: We custom developed Siegling Prolink for the automotive and tire industries. And it provides the top performance these sectors require.

Innovation and expertise: Forbo offers cutting-edge engineering, consistent innovations and proven expertise in the automotive and tire industries.

Comprehensive belt solutions: Forbo has a wide range of conveyor and processing belts. You receive customized solutions and save time spent on procurement.

Car tires on a Siegling Prolink plastic modular belt

Find out about our solutions for the automotive and tire industries