Beyond the obvious
Flexible Furniture Linoleum is a material in development that offers a thinner and more flexible version as opposed to the regular Marmoleum for flooring. Originally it is intended to be used within the context of furniture and interior.
In this collaboration, 27 third-year design students of the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam were challenged to look beyond the obvious and to approach the material from a fresh perspective.
Prior to the Dutch Design Week the students had 6 weeks to explore and experiment with the Flexible Furniture linoleum. In their approach, they embraced their differences in style and ways of working. The outcome was an inspiring and diverse range of material experiments, based on the material’s wide range of possibilities, such as flexibility, texture, and movement.
In the second phase of the project the students were asked to develop product orientated concepts and translate these into larger prototypes. In the final presentation a series of exciting results were showcased varying from a room divider, a vase to a jewellery display and many more.
With the professional support of their tutors, the students succeeded in making the endless possibilities and applications of Forbo’s Flexible Furniture linoleum tangible.
Curious to see the finished results? Click on the tabs above to view each project and read more on the design process.
Meet the designers
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