
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2
Pulldown 2

What is the minimum temperature for processing cement-bonded products?

Cement-based products should never be processed at under five degrees Celsius!

At temperatures below 5 °C, the chemical reaction between the cement and water comes to a virtual standstill. This results in reduced strength development of the cement-bound adhesive and therefore comes at the expense of the overall quality. It can even lead to frost damage when freezing. In short, cement-bound products must always be processed at 5 °C or warmer.

Pay attention to the subfloor

This also applies to the setting process. The setting process takes about three days. You should also pay attention to the temperature of the substrate. The ambient temperature may be higher than the temperature of the substrate. The air temperature in the house may be just above five degrees, but that doesn’t mean that the subfloor temperature is warm enough.

Discolouration of grout

The rules that apply to the adhesive also apply to the cement-bound grout. If the grout setting process stops, this means that water remains in the mortar for longer. This can lead to discolouration of the grout. If grout is exposed to cold and moisture for too long, it will eventually become lighter than intended.


What should you do if it’s too cold but the work has to be done anyway? Answer: heat the room adequately, even at night.